The drama tells the story of Mo Suqing, a seemingly weak orphan girl in distress, who approaches the CEO of the group Ye Zhongjue to avenge her family and gradually sets up a business plan to invite the emperor into the jar. Unexpectedly, the smooth progress of all plans was all within the numerous tricks set by Ye Zhongjue. White cut black little white rabbit vs black cut white big gray wolf, both sides claim to control the overall situation
The drama tells the story of Mo Suqing, a seemingly weak orphan girl in distress, who approaches the CEO of the group Ye Zhongjue to avenge her family and gradually sets up a business plan to invite the emperor into the jar. Unexpectedly, the smooth progress of all plans was all within the numerous tricks set by Ye Zhongjue. White cut black little white rabbit vs black cut white big gray wolf, both sides claim to control the overall situation