Morning Wind (played by Zhu Qianxue) is a police chief of the New Territories North Stormtroopers. During a mission, Morning Wind's actions were obstructed by a man named Guan Dingmin (played by Wang Haoxin), and a fierce battle broke out. Morning Wind's father, Ling Hai (played by Luo Lelin), unfortunately died in an accident, which made Morning Wind very self blame
Morning Wind (played by Zhu Qianxue) is a police chief of the New Territories North Stormtroopers. During a mission, Morning Wind's actions were obstructed by a man named Guan Dingmin (played by Wang Haoxin), and a fierce battle broke out. Morning Wind's father, Ling Hai (played by Luo Lelin), unfortunately died in an accident, which made Morning Wind very self blame