15-year-old girl Suzuki Quanshuiko (voiced by Sayaka Satoshi) has been living in the depths of Mount Yukura on Kumano Ancient Road since childhood. She has an introverted personality, is not good at socializing, and has a physical condition that causes the surrounding electrical appliances to malfunction. Quan Shuizi, who is about to enter high school, has just started her love life. She quietly trims her bangs, but she doesn't know what immeasurable impact it will have
15-year-old girl Suzuki Quanshuiko (voiced by Sayaka Satoshi) has been living in the depths of Mount Yukura on Kumano Ancient Road since childhood. She has an introverted personality, is not good at socializing, and has a physical condition that causes the surrounding electrical appliances to malfunction. Quan Shuizi, who is about to enter high school, has just started her love life. She quietly trims her bangs, but she doesn't know what immeasurable impact it will have