Eikichi Aoki, Issei Miyake Morita, Takiyuki Kuriyama, Shu Watanabe, Takuma Suzuki, Makoto Bessho, Hiroki Hayashi, Makoto Kato, Seikō Sato
Total of 22 Episode
People have created numerous stories with their own hands. Joy, sadness, anger, and emotion. Stories can shake people's emotions and captivate them. However, this is just an emotion as an observer. If the characters in the story have their own "thoughts", then for them, creating these
People have created numerous stories with their own hands. Joy, sadness, anger, and emotion. Stories can shake people's emotions and captivate them. However, this is just an emotion as an observer. If the characters in the story have their own "thoughts", then for them, creating these