In Taiping Town, the weak girl Liu Yuenu (played by Hu Yuying) makes a living by tying paper. Yue Nu was despised by her elder brother and lived alone in the mountains. Unexpectedly, within half a month, the siblings suffered a tragic disaster. One person committed suicide with blood splattered three feet in their boudoir, while the other was hanged by a woman's long hair in a theater. Detective Zhang Yiren (played by Du Yiheng) responds to the town's elderly bodyguard (played by Liu Yajin)
In Taiping Town, the weak girl Liu Yuenu (played by Hu Yuying) makes a living by tying paper. Yue Nu was despised by her elder brother and lived alone in the mountains. Unexpectedly, within half a month, the siblings suffered a tragic disaster. One person committed suicide with blood splattered three feet in their boudoir, while the other was hanged by a woman's long hair in a theater. Detective Zhang Yiren (played by Du Yiheng) responds to the town's elderly bodyguard (played by Liu Yajin)