Mizuzaka Academy is a school that specializes in both general and magical subjects. Due to an accident, the classroom of the magic department was severely damaged, and the school arranged for students of the magic department to attend classes in regular subjects. Kobayashi's class also included two students from the Department of Witchcraft and Wizardry. One of them, Haruki Kanzaka, discovered that Kobayashi was like the person who helped her when she was young
Mizuzaka Academy is a school that specializes in both general and magical subjects. Due to an accident, the classroom of the magic department was severely damaged, and the school arranged for students of the magic department to attend classes in regular subjects. Kobayashi's class also included two students from the Department of Witchcraft and Wizardry. One of them, Haruki Kanzaka, discovered that Kobayashi was like the person who helped her when she was young