Taomomi Matsui, Ryosuke Mori, Satoru Yoshida, Shigehiro Kurita, Kentaro Kai
Total of 12 Episode
B-type H-series is a Japanese manga created by Japanese manga artist Yoko Yamari. Serialized in the weekly magazine YOU JUMP from the 20th issue of 2004 to the 10th issue of 2011, consisting of nine volumes in a single volume. The CD version of the radio drama was released on September 14, 2007 (Shueisha). adaptation
B-type H-series is a Japanese manga created by Japanese manga artist Yoko Yamari. Serialized in the weekly magazine YOU JUMP from the 20th issue of 2004 to the 10th issue of 2011, consisting of nine volumes in a single volume. The CD version of the radio drama was released on September 14, 2007 (Shueisha). adaptation