The film is adapted from the manga of the same name by Yoshikawa Miki. At the beginning of the new semester, Shinagawa Dadi (played by Koki Nariya), known as the "first problem student of the school," was arranged to study in Class A of the second year of Bunbai High School. Regarded as the worst student in the school. This delinquent boy who fights all day makes all the teachers and students in the school feel quite uneasy
The film is adapted from the manga of the same name by Yoshikawa Miki. At the beginning of the new semester, Shinagawa Dadi (played by Koki Nariya), known as the "first problem student of the school," was arranged to study in Class A of the second year of Bunbai High School. Regarded as the worst student in the school. This delinquent boy who fights all day makes all the teachers and students in the school feel quite uneasy