Eight stream screenwriter Ryuko Kameda (played by Yuriko Yoshitaka), manicure artist Kazuka Yamakawa (played by Narina Rokura), and daughter of a small restaurant owner, Koki Nogizu (played by Yuko Oshima) are three good friends who have passed away and have known each other for many years. For a long time in the past, they didn't have boyfriends, so the three of them gathered together in their spare time
Eight stream screenwriter Ryuko Kameda (played by Yuriko Yoshitaka), manicure artist Kazuka Yamakawa (played by Narina Rokura), and daughter of a small restaurant owner, Koki Nogizu (played by Yuko Oshima) are three good friends who have passed away and have known each other for many years. For a long time in the past, they didn't have boyfriends, so the three of them gathered together in their spare time