Thirty year old Yuichi Nakamura (voiced by Yuichi Nakamura) is a web designer who lives alone in the bustling metropolis of Tokyo. One day, the news of the death of his father who ran a Seafood noodles shop in his hometown sent him back to his long lost hometown Xiangchuan County. Unexpectedly, he met Poke (Zhifan, Ancient City Gate) in the shop
Thirty year old Yuichi Nakamura (voiced by Yuichi Nakamura) is a web designer who lives alone in the bustling metropolis of Tokyo. One day, the news of the death of his father who ran a Seafood noodles shop in his hometown sent him back to his long lost hometown Xiangchuan County. Unexpectedly, he met Poke (Zhifan, Ancient City Gate) in the shop