This drama tells the story of eunuchs who monopolized power and persecuted loyalty and righteousness during the reign of Emperor Xianzong of the Ming Dynasty. During the rescue operation of Zhongliang, the hero Zhao Huai'an was chased by Wan Yulou, the owner of the East Factory, and Yu Huatian, the supervisor of the West Factory. Zhao Huai'an and others fled all the way and stayed at the Longmen Inn. The rivers and lakes are filled with danger and bloodshed, and the desolate desert is filled with love between children and women.
This drama tells the story of eunuchs who monopolized power and persecuted loyalty and righteousness during the reign of Emperor Xianzong of the Ming Dynasty. During the rescue operation of Zhongliang, the hero Zhao Huai'an was chased by Wan Yulou, the owner of the East Factory, and Yu Huatian, the supervisor of the West Factory. Zhao Huai'an and others fled all the way and stayed at the Longmen Inn. The rivers and lakes are filled with danger and bloodshed, and the desolate desert is filled with love between children and women.