The film mainly tells the story of Lu Yuan (played by Liu Lincheng), Shen Chen (played by Chen Ruoxi), Dao Scar (played by Wang Shengli), and others who come to the primitive jungle to seize the "Eye of Kunlun" in order to search for the dragon veins of Kunlun Village. Under the siege of various folk tycoons, they evade layers of pursuit, break through various mysterious illusions, and explore Kunlun
The film mainly tells the story of Lu Yuan (played by Liu Lincheng), Shen Chen (played by Chen Ruoxi), Dao Scar (played by Wang Shengli), and others who come to the primitive jungle to seize the "Eye of Kunlun" in order to search for the dragon veins of Kunlun Village. Under the siege of various folk tycoons, they evade layers of pursuit, break through various mysterious illusions, and explore Kunlun