Kusuke Hiroshi plays the potter Shinji Kamiya, who lives in the mountains, and Yoshizawa Ryo plays the active son who studies abroad, telling the stories of family members who live in different environments but have blood ties. There are also co performers such as MIYAVI, Matsudaira Shigehiro, Hiroshi Sato, Takeo Nakahara, and Shizuo Ishii, as well as those selected through auditions
Kusuke Hiroshi plays the potter Shinji Kamiya, who lives in the mountains, and Yoshizawa Ryo plays the active son who studies abroad, telling the stories of family members who live in different environments but have blood ties. There are also co performers such as MIYAVI, Matsudaira Shigehiro, Hiroshi Sato, Takeo Nakahara, and Shizuo Ishii, as well as those selected through auditions