The film mainly tells the story of tomb raiders Lao Niu (played by Wu Jianguo), Lao Ma (played by He Zhonghua), and Xiao Zhang who, while searching for a mysterious ancient tomb, encounter Shu Mei (played by Jiang Mengxuan) and Mi San (played by Li Lubing). The two groups engage in a tense tomb raiding competition. However, what are the evil spirits and ghosts in the ancient tomb?
The film mainly tells the story of tomb raiders Lao Niu (played by Wu Jianguo), Lao Ma (played by He Zhonghua), and Xiao Zhang who, while searching for a mysterious ancient tomb, encounter Shu Mei (played by Jiang Mengxuan) and Mi San (played by Li Lubing). The two groups engage in a tense tomb raiding competition. However, what are the evil spirits and ghosts in the ancient tomb?