Youth themed web drama, adapted from the eponymous masterpiece of youth literature writer Xiao Nizi, starring young actors such as Qiu Henan, Hou Peishan, Wei Zheming, Shi Xuejing, Huang Qianshuo, Zhu Tingchen, Zeng Liyao, Jia Site, Zhang Keyuan, Shi Xuejing, Guo Xianni, Peng Xue, etc. The withdrawal of Jin Chunxi led to the emergence of Long Riyi, Long Haiyi, and Jingmei San
Youth themed web drama, adapted from the eponymous masterpiece of youth literature writer Xiao Nizi, starring young actors such as Qiu Henan, Hou Peishan, Wei Zheming, Shi Xuejing, Huang Qianshuo, Zhu Tingchen, Zeng Liyao, Jia Site, Zhang Keyuan, Shi Xuejing, Guo Xianni, Peng Xue, etc. The withdrawal of Jin Chunxi led to the emergence of Long Riyi, Long Haiyi, and Jingmei San