Five hundred years ago, Long (voiced by Wang Leehom) suddenly disappeared, and Feng (voiced by Zhang Ziyi) temporarily replaced Long in his position. The Jade Emperor issued an order that if Long could not be found within three days, the zodiac would have to be re elected. Zodiac officials collectively set out to search for the dragon and discovered that the human girl Xiao Zhen actually held a dragon scale, which may be the key clue to finding the dragon.
Five hundred years ago, Long (voiced by Wang Leehom) suddenly disappeared, and Feng (voiced by Zhang Ziyi) temporarily replaced Long in his position. The Jade Emperor issued an order that if Long could not be found within three days, the zodiac would have to be re elected. Zodiac officials collectively set out to search for the dragon and discovered that the human girl Xiao Zhen actually held a dragon scale, which may be the key clue to finding the dragon.