Spiritual fanaticism fanatic Kuroko Chiyoko (voiced by Fumiko Kanagawa) accidentally recruited the Black Witch Qiubi (voiced by Park Lumei) while helping her classmates with love divination. Autumn Bit claimed that only by training the Chiyoko to become a qualified witch can they return to the demon realm. So no matter how Chiyoko refused, she could only do it in Qiubi
Spiritual fanaticism fanatic Kuroko Chiyoko (voiced by Fumiko Kanagawa) accidentally recruited the Black Witch Qiubi (voiced by Park Lumei) while helping her classmates with love divination. Autumn Bit claimed that only by training the Chiyoko to become a qualified witch can they return to the demon realm. So no matter how Chiyoko refused, she could only do it in Qiubi