Intelligent robot Miss Black and White (voiced by Yui Horie) originally had a carefree and affluent life, but due to his longing for popular idol Kikuko (voiced by Kikuko Inoue) on variety shows, he yearned to become an idol. He was scammed out of all his wealth by a seemingly loyal maid (voiced by Takeshi Kanda), totaling 19.3 billion yen. In the end, his family's wealth
Intelligent robot Miss Black and White (voiced by Yui Horie) originally had a carefree and affluent life, but due to his longing for popular idol Kikuko (voiced by Kikuko Inoue) on variety shows, he yearned to become an idol. He was scammed out of all his wealth by a seemingly loyal maid (voiced by Takeshi Kanda), totaling 19.3 billion yen. In the end, his family's wealth