The TV anime "Magic Flute MAGI: The Adventure of Sinbad" is an adaptation of the manga of the same name, based on the original work of Naruto Ohtaka and a painting by Yoshihisa Oda. It is a spin off of "Magic Flute MAGI". Starting from April 16, 2016, it premiered every Saturday at 23:30 on TBS [1]& nbsp;, Chinese Mainland 3:0
The TV anime "Magic Flute MAGI: The Adventure of Sinbad" is an adaptation of the manga of the same name, based on the original work of Naruto Ohtaka and a painting by Yoshihisa Oda. It is a spin off of "Magic Flute MAGI". Starting from April 16, 2016, it premiered every Saturday at 23:30 on TBS [1]& nbsp;, Chinese Mainland 3:0