"May I ask who's staying tonight?" is a real-life work and tourism reality program produced and premiered by Yinghua Communication and Hezhan Film and Television, and produced and produced by Dongsen Super Television. The hosts are Li Liren, Kenna, Guo Yanjun, Tian Wuyang, Dou Zhikong, Ke Youlun, and Justin. Each trip adds a mysterious travel companion, forming a "type" together
"May I ask who's staying tonight?" is a real-life work and tourism reality program produced and premiered by Yinghua Communication and Hezhan Film and Television, and produced and produced by Dongsen Super Television. The hosts are Li Liren, Kenna, Guo Yanjun, Tian Wuyang, Dou Zhikong, Ke Youlun, and Justin. Each trip adds a mysterious travel companion, forming a "type" together