One day, high school student Makoto Makoto (played by Kento Sato), who is good at drawing, was entangled by his clever classmate Akihito Takagi (played by Ryunosuke Kanagi). The other party claims to love comics very much, but lacks drawing talent. Autumn hopes to enter the comic industry with their highest partner. The highest uncle, Taro Kawaguchi (played by Kogoro Miyato), once
One day, high school student Makoto Makoto (played by Kento Sato), who is good at drawing, was entangled by his clever classmate Akihito Takagi (played by Ryunosuke Kanagi). The other party claims to love comics very much, but lacks drawing talent. Autumn hopes to enter the comic industry with their highest partner. The highest uncle, Taro Kawaguchi (played by Kogoro Miyato), once