The story begins in the 1960s when three households, Liang Dingyuan (played by Yang Lixin), Shu Yihai (played by Han Tongsheng), and Ma Fushun (played by Ning Wentong), lived in a large courtyard in Beijing. Lao Liang's wife and sister, He Shuang (played by Song Jia), is a hairdresser. The eldest is not young and has not yet started a family. Lao Liang has been worried about many things, but in fact, He Shuang
The story begins in the 1960s when three households, Liang Dingyuan (played by Yang Lixin), Shu Yihai (played by Han Tongsheng), and Ma Fushun (played by Ning Wentong), lived in a large courtyard in Beijing. Lao Liang's wife and sister, He Shuang (played by Song Jia), is a hairdresser. The eldest is not young and has not yet started a family. Lao Liang has been worried about many things, but in fact, He Shuang