Misaki Sanagi (played by Rimei Ishihara) is a female forensic doctor working in the folk forensic organization "UDI", which specializes in receiving bodies that have died due to abnormal reasons and dissecting them to find the truth about the case. Working with Meiqin, there are also Forensic Zhongtang Department (played by Jing Pu Xin) and Recorder Jiubu Six
Misaki Sanagi (played by Rimei Ishihara) is a female forensic doctor working in the folk forensic organization "UDI", which specializes in receiving bodies that have died due to abnormal reasons and dissecting them to find the truth about the case. Working with Meiqin, there are also Forensic Zhongtang Department (played by Jing Pu Xin) and Recorder Jiubu Six