The film tells the story of a pair of police brothers, with younger brother Jiancheng (played by Huang Zongze) as an undercover agent and older brother Jianzhong (played by Xie Tianhua) as an anti drug police officer. The two brothers are on the blacklist of the police and drug trafficking groups. With a mission to escort drug traffickers, the two get involved and embark on an endless reversal of the anti drug story.
The film tells the story of a pair of police brothers, with younger brother Jiancheng (played by Huang Zongze) as an undercover agent and older brother Jianzhong (played by Xie Tianhua) as an anti drug police officer. The two brothers are on the blacklist of the police and drug trafficking groups. With a mission to escort drug traffickers, the two get involved and embark on an endless reversal of the anti drug story.