The whole film consists of three stories: "The Tale of Catching the Traitor". The owner of a porcelain shop (played by Xia Wen) colludes with Wang Dahui from a blacksmith shop across the street to become a traitor. The saying goes, "often walking by the river, there's no one who doesn't get their shoes wet.". The affair between the two was eventually discovered by the owner of the porcelain shop. The owner, along with his wife's brother from the mother's family, came to arrest the adultery, but was eventually caught by his wife and Wang
The whole film consists of three stories: "The Tale of Catching the Traitor". The owner of a porcelain shop (played by Xia Wen) colludes with Wang Dahui from a blacksmith shop across the street to become a traitor. The saying goes, "often walking by the river, there's no one who doesn't get their shoes wet.". The affair between the two was eventually discovered by the owner of the porcelain shop. The owner, along with his wife's brother from the mother's family, came to arrest the adultery, but was eventually caught by his wife and Wang