Tian Guang (played by Guo Jin'an) is a CID member of the Serious Crime Unit, with a straightforward and distinct personality. When investigating a serial murder case, it was discovered that the suspect was actually a criminal who escaped from his father's hands twenty years ago. Tian Guang's father, Dahe (played by Xu Shaoxiong), is a mediocre police officer who is careless and lacks ambition
Tian Guang (played by Guo Jin'an) is a CID member of the Serious Crime Unit, with a straightforward and distinct personality. When investigating a serial murder case, it was discovered that the suspect was actually a criminal who escaped from his father's hands twenty years ago. Tian Guang's father, Dahe (played by Xu Shaoxiong), is a mediocre police officer who is careless and lacks ambition