Li Na (played by Mei Ting), a strong woman, was originally the owner of a cosmetics company. However, her son Ding Yiyi (played by Hu Xianxu), who was studying abroad in Canada, was constantly in trouble, so she had to put down her job. Despite her husband Ding Zhiyuan (played by Xu Yajun)'s strong opposition, she even chose to go to Canada to become a full-time employee“
Li Na (played by Mei Ting), a strong woman, was originally the owner of a cosmetics company. However, her son Ding Yiyi (played by Hu Xianxu), who was studying abroad in Canada, was constantly in trouble, so she had to put down her job. Despite her husband Ding Zhiyuan (played by Xu Yajun)'s strong opposition, she even chose to go to Canada to become a full-time employee“