In 2015, as a commemorative work for the 80th anniversary of the birth of Takeo Akizuka, the manga "Komatsu Jun", a masterpiece by Takeo Akizuka, was used as the original work. "Asong" is an animated film that depicts six children growing up to adulthood. After the age of 20, she still became a virgin in Taz. Describing the six children of the Matsuno family
In 2015, as a commemorative work for the 80th anniversary of the birth of Takeo Akizuka, the manga "Komatsu Jun", a masterpiece by Takeo Akizuka, was used as the original work. "Asong" is an animated film that depicts six children growing up to adulthood. After the age of 20, she still became a virgin in Taz. Describing the six children of the Matsuno family