The second season of "Kaneda Ichiro Chronicles R" tells the story of the grandson of detective Kaneda Ichiro, Kaneda Ichiro, and his childhood friend Mizuki Qiase, who solve one mystery after another. The Kaneda Shonen Incident Book R is adapted from the original work of Masaru Tenshu and the famous long detective manga "Kaneda Shonen" by manga artist Fumio Sato
The second season of "Kaneda Ichiro Chronicles R" tells the story of the grandson of detective Kaneda Ichiro, Kaneda Ichiro, and his childhood friend Mizuki Qiase, who solve one mystery after another. The Kaneda Shonen Incident Book R is adapted from the original work of Masaru Tenshu and the famous long detective manga "Kaneda Shonen" by manga artist Fumio Sato