This drama tells the story of inspectors such as Lin Yuxin and Song Lijun from the Tobacco Monopoly Bureau in Lingbo City, who successfully cracked down on the crime of producing and selling fake cigarettes with integrity. When Lin Yuxin took office, he encountered two cases related to the manufacture of fake cigarettes, one of which was related to his friend Chen Jianfeng, and the other case was related to the suspect Gu Dehai and
This drama tells the story of inspectors such as Lin Yuxin and Song Lijun from the Tobacco Monopoly Bureau in Lingbo City, who successfully cracked down on the crime of producing and selling fake cigarettes with integrity. When Lin Yuxin took office, he encountered two cases related to the manufacture of fake cigarettes, one of which was related to his friend Chen Jianfeng, and the other case was related to the suspect Gu Dehai and