From a young age, she learned a lot of survival skills from her father, such as Yuki Kashima (voiced by Masayoshi Shido), Suzuki Akira (voiced by Riko Kono), a super sports girl who also participated in the athletics and basketball departments, and Toshio Amano (voiced by Riko Kono), who had excellent intelligence and a good student appearance but was actually a super rotten girl
From a young age, she learned a lot of survival skills from her father, such as Yuki Kashima (voiced by Masayoshi Shido), Suzuki Akira (voiced by Riko Kono), a super sports girl who also participated in the athletics and basketball departments, and Toshio Amano (voiced by Riko Kono), who had excellent intelligence and a good student appearance but was actually a super rotten girl