Senior Inspector of Criminal Intelligence, Zhuo Kai (played by Miao Qiaowei), appears in Bangkok, Thailand, where he obtains important intelligence that Jiuzhiqiang is engaged in drug trafficking with Ni Kun in Thailand. After investigation, it was discovered that Ni Kun, a black eating general of the Ji Yun Gang, had been killed and engaged in a transaction with the Nine Fingers Qiang. Zhuo Kai and an undercover agent infiltrated the organization's hideout in search of evidence of the Jiyun Gang crime and were subsequently arrested
Senior Inspector of Criminal Intelligence, Zhuo Kai (played by Miao Qiaowei), appears in Bangkok, Thailand, where he obtains important intelligence that Jiuzhiqiang is engaged in drug trafficking with Ni Kun in Thailand. After investigation, it was discovered that Ni Kun, a black eating general of the Ji Yun Gang, had been killed and engaged in a transaction with the Nine Fingers Qiang. Zhuo Kai and an undercover agent infiltrated the organization's hideout in search of evidence of the Jiyun Gang crime and were subsequently arrested