Ding Xiaojia (played by Sheh Shih man), who comes from the bottom of Hong Kong society, returned to the bustling Portland Street as an undercover agent after being admitted to the police, to gather intelligence for CID inspector Kang Dao Xing (played by Au Rui wei). Unexpectedly, during the process of investigating the criminal facts of the leader of the Triad, You Dafu, Daoxing was accidentally killed. he
Ding Xiaojia (played by Sheh Shih man), who comes from the bottom of Hong Kong society, returned to the bustling Portland Street as an undercover agent after being admitted to the police, to gather intelligence for CID inspector Kang Dao Xing (played by Au Rui wei). Unexpectedly, during the process of investigating the criminal facts of the leader of the Triad, You Dafu, Daoxing was accidentally killed. he