The story takes place at Kitaomachi High School in the county. Ayanachi Hanasaki (voiced by Renmei Ohata) is a girl who has just entered first grade. Despite her developed athletic nerves since childhood, she deliberately avoids playing badminton, which she is very good at. By chance, Ayanachi meets the main badminton player in the school's badminton department, Akira Aragaki (voiced by Meiyuri Shimasaki)
The story takes place at Kitaomachi High School in the county. Ayanachi Hanasaki (voiced by Renmei Ohata) is a girl who has just entered first grade. Despite her developed athletic nerves since childhood, she deliberately avoids playing badminton, which she is very good at. By chance, Ayanachi meets the main badminton player in the school's badminton department, Akira Aragaki (voiced by Meiyuri Shimasaki)