Forrest Gump (played by Tom Hanks) was born shortly after the end of World War II in a small, isolated town in the southern state of Alabama. He was born with a natural disability and an IQ of only 75. However, his mother is a strong willed woman who often encourages Forrest Gump to be "stupid and lucky" and encourages him to strive for self-improvement. Forrest Gump is like an ordinary child
Forrest Gump (played by Tom Hanks) was born shortly after the end of World War II in a small, isolated town in the southern state of Alabama. He was born with a natural disability and an IQ of only 75. However, his mother is a strong willed woman who often encourages Forrest Gump to be "stupid and lucky" and encourages him to strive for self-improvement. Forrest Gump is like an ordinary child