Nobunaga's beloved sister, Shi, married Asai Nagamasa. The conflict between Asai Asakura's army and Oda's army is inevitable. As long as there is a moment of confusion, important things will be lost in the large-scale field battle of "Sishikawa Battle", and the tearful Qianniao awakens in this battle. An unreasonable journey called the world of martial arts! Not allowed
Nobunaga's beloved sister, Shi, married Asai Nagamasa. The conflict between Asai Asakura's army and Oda's army is inevitable. As long as there is a moment of confusion, important things will be lost in the large-scale field battle of "Sishikawa Battle", and the tearful Qianniao awakens in this battle. An unreasonable journey called the world of martial arts! Not allowed