"I Want to Play Basketball" is a youth basketball reality show jointly produced by Penguin Pictures and Sun Moon Star Media, and exclusively broadcasted by Tencent Video on the internet. It will officially air on Tencent Video on August 21, 2019, with a total of 10 episodes. Li Yifeng, Deng Lun, Lin Shuhao, and Du Feng, four popular artists and basketball superstars, will participate in the festival
"I Want to Play Basketball" is a youth basketball reality show jointly produced by Penguin Pictures and Sun Moon Star Media, and exclusively broadcasted by Tencent Video on the internet. It will officially air on Tencent Video on August 21, 2019, with a total of 10 episodes. Li Yifeng, Deng Lun, Lin Shuhao, and Du Feng, four popular artists and basketball superstars, will participate in the festival