The story takes place during the Liberation War. Ma Yunfei (played by Yu Zhen), an underground member of the Communist Party of China lurking within the Kuomintang, was appointed as the leader of the Ministry of National Defense's special forces. He brought people to Tokyo to escort the culprit of the Nanjing Massacre, Shiyanfu (played by Liu Wenzhi), to his home country for trial. However, he encountered various setbacks and obstacles along the way, including militarism
The story takes place during the Liberation War. Ma Yunfei (played by Yu Zhen), an underground member of the Communist Party of China lurking within the Kuomintang, was appointed as the leader of the Ministry of National Defense's special forces. He brought people to Tokyo to escort the culprit of the Nanjing Massacre, Shiyanfu (played by Liu Wenzhi), to his home country for trial. However, he encountered various setbacks and obstacles along the way, including militarism