DanieLei is a common Chinese surname that can be translated to Leigh or simply kept as Lei in English, depending on the context and personal preference. Yi FernanDe is a very common Chinese surname, and its transLation into English would generally be Di. However, please note that in the context of specific individuals or actors, the surname may have a fixed or preferred English transLation. For example, some actors may officially use a specific English spelling of their surname. Therefore, for the most accurate transLation, it's best to refer to the official English name or sources specific to the actor you're inquiring about.s
English (repeated)
Adapted from a real-life story, it tells the story of Little Randolph claiming that the sound inside the house drove him to pick up a powerful hunting rifle and shoot his family while they were asleep.
Adapted from a real-life story, it tells the story of Little Randolph claiming that the sound inside the house drove him to pick up a powerful hunting rifle and shoot his family while they were asleep.