Local news agency, Shin Kanagawa Daily reporter Masahiko Zemura (played by Ryohira Matsuda) received exclusive news material on the "hit and run" incident, mentioning that the deceased husband, Toshiko Morimoto (played by Kazuka Koshikawa), was the perpetrator. The long lost exclusive news gave Masahiko a lot of motivation, but he was replaced by a network news host from his university at the same time
Local news agency, Shin Kanagawa Daily reporter Masahiko Zemura (played by Ryohira Matsuda) received exclusive news material on the "hit and run" incident, mentioning that the deceased husband, Toshiko Morimoto (played by Kazuka Koshikawa), was the perpetrator. The long lost exclusive news gave Masahiko a lot of motivation, but he was replaced by a network news host from his university at the same time