The story takes place in the late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China. Jiang Yu, a textile and dyeing giant from Huzhou (played by Liu Kaiwei), meets a girl named Caihong (played by Zheng Shuang) by chance. Caihong's simplicity and kindness make Jiang Yu very tempted. However, Caihong is the daughter of Wu Hongda, who happens to play the feud of the Jiang family. Helpless, Jiang Yu only
The story takes place in the late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China. Jiang Yu, a textile and dyeing giant from Huzhou (played by Liu Kaiwei), meets a girl named Caihong (played by Zheng Shuang) by chance. Caihong's simplicity and kindness make Jiang Yu very tempted. However, Caihong is the daughter of Wu Hongda, who happens to play the feud of the Jiang family. Helpless, Jiang Yu only