After only half a year, the Marui family of triplets living in Ueno City, Saitama Prefecture, including their eldest daughter Mitsuba (voiced by Takahaki Sayaka), Mitsuba (voiced by Akasaka Satomi), and Mitsuba (voiced by Tomatsu Yoshi), have made a comeback. San Ye continues to promote her queenly temperament and S-oriented fun, while weight loss and greediness remain the same
After only half a year, the Marui family of triplets living in Ueno City, Saitama Prefecture, including their eldest daughter Mitsuba (voiced by Takahaki Sayaka), Mitsuba (voiced by Akasaka Satomi), and Mitsuba (voiced by Tomatsu Yoshi), have made a comeback. San Ye continues to promote her queenly temperament and S-oriented fun, while weight loss and greediness remain the same