In a duel with the chairman of the Emperor's Love Group, Toshikawa Takeshi (voiced by Masamune Tsukasa), Katsushi Ito (voiced by Sage Hagihara) stumbled and owed the other party a debt of up to 10 million yen. Due to inability to repay, Kaisi was forced to work in underground facilities by the Di Ai team. In the next 15 years, he will have no
In a duel with the chairman of the Emperor's Love Group, Toshikawa Takeshi (voiced by Masamune Tsukasa), Katsushi Ito (voiced by Sage Hagihara) stumbled and owed the other party a debt of up to 10 million yen. Due to inability to repay, Kaisi was forced to work in underground facilities by the Di Ai team. In the next 15 years, he will have no