This film tells the story of the Hong Kong Chen Group, led by Chen Zhengwei (played by Tao Dayu), facing a succession election. Chen Haoyu (played by Min Hao), who has high hopes, provokes the fairy jumping groups Ling Feng (played by Leung Cheng chia) and Xin Yun (played by Zhang Ji gui) at this time; The humiliation of Ling Feng and Xin Yun made Haoyu, who had a strong sense of self-esteem, want to take the opportunity to retaliate,
This film tells the story of the Hong Kong Chen Group, led by Chen Zhengwei (played by Tao Dayu), facing a succession election. Chen Haoyu (played by Min Hao), who has high hopes, provokes the fairy jumping groups Ling Feng (played by Leung Cheng chia) and Xin Yun (played by Zhang Ji gui) at this time; The humiliation of Ling Feng and Xin Yun made Haoyu, who had a strong sense of self-esteem, want to take the opportunity to retaliate,