It tells the story of Xu Shubei (played by Chen Yanqian), a clever and cunning female protagonist who, in order to avenge the passing of her parents, takes every step and uses all means to approach her revenge target, but falls into the trap of emotions and memories. Xu Shubei, in the process of revenge, collaborates with the heirs of Shengshi Group, Sheng Yun (played by Meng En), Fu Er Dai Shang Ming (played by Zu Huai), and Xia Jiaqian
It tells the story of Xu Shubei (played by Chen Yanqian), a clever and cunning female protagonist who, in order to avenge the passing of her parents, takes every step and uses all means to approach her revenge target, but falls into the trap of emotions and memories. Xu Shubei, in the process of revenge, collaborates with the heirs of Shengshi Group, Sheng Yun (played by Meng En), Fu Er Dai Shang Ming (played by Zu Huai), and Xia Jiaqian