In a corner of Tokyo, Xia Xi (played by Yuriko Nakamura), an executive who provides food delivery services, lives alone. On this day, a boy named Fu Guzhuang (played by Chi Songzhuang Liang) unexpectedly visited and learned about her father Dawu (played by Guang Shiyan). In earlier years, Dawu abandoned his wife and Xia Xi and ran away from home because
In a corner of Tokyo, Xia Xi (played by Yuriko Nakamura), an executive who provides food delivery services, lives alone. On this day, a boy named Fu Guzhuang (played by Chi Songzhuang Liang) unexpectedly visited and learned about her father Dawu (played by Guang Shiyan). In earlier years, Dawu abandoned his wife and Xia Xi and ran away from home because