The film tells the story of Ling Fei (played by An Chenxin) who teaches dance during the day to earn her mother's medical expenses, and at night works part-time as a pole dancer with the help of the bar goddess Xiaoxiao (played by Wang Yifei). Chen Mo (played by Zeng Yijun) was taken by his boss Qin Chuan (Sun Xueyan) to a bar to relax due to his ahead of schedule performance. Seeing Ling Fei dancing on stage, he couldn't help but fall back in love
The film tells the story of Ling Fei (played by An Chenxin) who teaches dance during the day to earn her mother's medical expenses, and at night works part-time as a pole dancer with the help of the bar goddess Xiaoxiao (played by Wang Yifei). Chen Mo (played by Zeng Yijun) was taken by his boss Qin Chuan (Sun Xueyan) to a bar to relax due to his ahead of schedule performance. Seeing Ling Fei dancing on stage, he couldn't help but fall back in love