Xiao Yi (played by Feng Jianyu), Wu Xin (played by Wang Yunfan), and Yin Zhengfeng (played by Tao Siyuan) were all murdered and killed at the same time. The administrator of the DOA system appeared, informing the three of them that as long as they assist the administrator in restoring the normal operation of the DOA system, they can return to the past. So, Xiao Yi and the others tried their best to restore DOA
Xiao Yi (played by Feng Jianyu), Wu Xin (played by Wang Yunfan), and Yin Zhengfeng (played by Tao Siyuan) were all murdered and killed at the same time. The administrator of the DOA system appeared, informing the three of them that as long as they assist the administrator in restoring the normal operation of the DOA system, they can return to the past. So, Xiao Yi and the others tried their best to restore DOA