"The Master's son-in-law" tells the story of the life changes of an ordinary family in Bayuquan, a coastal new city. Before retiring, Lin Guowei, Deputy Director of the Port Authority, was preparing to launch the final round of fierce attacks on his main position when troubles in the "backyard" came one after another... First, the marriage of his eldest daughter lit up a red light, and then his youngest son was occupied by his elder sister because he couldn't recover it
"The Master's son-in-law" tells the story of the life changes of an ordinary family in Bayuquan, a coastal new city. Before retiring, Lin Guowei, Deputy Director of the Port Authority, was preparing to launch the final round of fierce attacks on his main position when troubles in the "backyard" came one after another... First, the marriage of his eldest daughter lit up a red light, and then his youngest son was occupied by his elder sister because he couldn't recover it