The TV drama "The Unbreakable Sunshine" inherits the essence of the original work and describes how Comrade Fang Zhimin's anti Japanese advance team heading north was surrounded and intercepted by the Kuomintang, running out of ammunition and food. Unfortunately, Fang Zhimin, Zhao Tianming and others were arrested, and comrades in prison established a secret party branch under Fang Zhimin's leadership. After Fang Zhimin's death, everyone adhered to their beliefs and followed his will,
The TV drama "The Unbreakable Sunshine" inherits the essence of the original work and describes how Comrade Fang Zhimin's anti Japanese advance team heading north was surrounded and intercepted by the Kuomintang, running out of ammunition and food. Unfortunately, Fang Zhimin, Zhao Tianming and others were arrested, and comrades in prison established a secret party branch under Fang Zhimin's leadership. After Fang Zhimin's death, everyone adhered to their beliefs and followed his will,